Category: Young Adult Fiction
Contemporary YA Romance and Dystopian trilogy from award winning author, PJ Sharon.
Happier New Year!
Hey friends and readers, Those of you who know me probably understand why 2017 was a particularly difficult year. It’s been a time of hard changes and even harder realities for many of us. I don’t mind saying I’m glad to see this past year behind us and am looking forward…
Holiday shopping!
Harvest Time!

Fall in the Berkshires is always a celebration of beauty and life. The nights are cool, the leaves are beginning their miraculous transformation, and the apples are ready to pick! This is my favorite time of year for hiking, biking, kayaking, and all things prepping for the long winter ahead. It’s also…
Enjoy Summer Reading with a .99 cent Beach Reads Sale
Summer Beach Read Season is here!

The Glass Slipper Sisters has a new website and several new authors offering fairy tale retellings, Cinderella-themed stories, and rags-to-riches romances you’ll want to dive right into. There’s also a cool YA Beach Reads Giveaway event coming up June 5-12th you won’t want to miss. And don’t forget to leave a book recommendation in the comment section to enter to win a signed copy of LOST BOYS before anyone else can get it in print!
An Early Spring
New Release and a Holiday Novella
Happiest and healthiest of holidays, my friends! I hope you’re all well and enjoying some much-needed relaxation through the holidays. There’s nothing like time with family and friends to help us remember what’s important. It’s been quite a year–a difficult one for so many. As we approach 2017, may we…