Blessings, readers! I hope your holidays have been fruitful and safe. I have to say I’ve truly enjoyed my time with friends and family this year. Still looking forward to eating my annual steak and lobster feast with our neighbors on New Years Eve–always a good time! Since I don’t…
The leaves are pretty much down now, but man has it been a fabulous fall. The colors, the warmer-than-normal temps, and the slow build up to this weeks first hard frost. My porch plants have finally succumbed to the elements and I’ve had to move them to the compost pile.…
Watch out! There’s demons, ghouls, ghosts and other nasties on the Awesome Indies website and they’re escaping their books on Halloween to host a party for all the gentle souls from the less frightening stories. The spread is amazing, a smorgasbord of genres, over 40 books on sale at…
Welcome readers and writers who love to read YA! So lets get to the DISCOUNTED and FREE e-books first. If you haven’t read Book One in the Chronicles of Lily Carmichael trilogy, WANING MOON, I hope you’ll take advantage of the .99 cent price for Kindle e-book. Check out the ad…
Hello readers, I’m glad you stopped by to see what’s up with me and my books. September is always about new beginnings for me. I’ve recently moved my massage office to a new location–always an adventure! And I’ve been diligently working on a new Contemporary YA Romance about a sixteen…
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Welcome to my writer’s world!
Author of young adult/new adult fiction, fitness guru, nature lover, and social activist, PJ Sharon writes action-packed romance and hopeful stories of healing for teens and teens at heart.
Read on, write on, and enjoy the journey!
To hear my interview with Speak Up Talk Radio, click HERE!