Summer Fun

Hey friends and readers,

I know I’ve been off-grid for a bit, but I’ve been taking some much-needed downtime from my writing and doing something else I love…digging in the dirt, lol. This old house and its unruly acreage are taking up much of my free time as of late, but rest assured, I’m plugging away at the next novella in the SAVAGE CINDERELLA series.

My current work in progress, BROKEN ANGEL, takes Brinn and her trusty canine companion, Eliot, back to the North Georgia High Country where her story began. After dealing with human traffickers in FINDING HOPE, a Colombian cartel in LOST BOYS, and a corrupt mining operation in SACRED GROUND, Brinn is in need of a break from the real world…especially since her love life seems to grow more complicated by the day. But escaping to the hills she called home for the better part of her young life turns out to be less of a respite and more of a rescue mission gone terribly wrong. Stay tuned for more details, excerpts and a cover reveal over the next month or so. I’m hoping to have the book out later this fall!

As for what’s up and coming, I’m visiting with author Ally Shields today at her blog, Coffee Chat with Ally, talking about writing novellas and how this series came about. I’m also giving away a novella (reader’s choice), and if you haven’t read SAVAGE CINDERELLA yet, you can download it for FREE or read it on WATTPAD to get started on Brinn’s harrowing tale of survival and triumph. Check out the entire novella series, available at Amazon for only $6.97.

If dystopian, sci-fi/fantasy is more your thing, WANING MOON, book one in the Chronicles of Lily Carmichael is available for only .99 cents.

Or get the whole set on Amazon for less than $10… You won’t be disappointed in these action-packed reads!







And if you’re looking for a sweet contemporary YA romance to fulfill your summer beach reading plans, you will love the Girls of Thompson Lake in HEAVEN is for HEROES, ON THIN ICE and PIECES of LOVE. Get them all in the box set which includes the novella, SAMI’s CHRISTMAS WISH LIST (because who doesn’t love Christmas in July)!

That’s it for now. Sign up for my newsletter for more updates on contests, appearances, guest blogs, and new releases! You’ll also receive a free download of SOUL REDEMPTION, the prequel novella to the Chronicles of Lily Carmichael Trilogy and first three chapters of OVERCOME YOUR SEDENTARY LIFESTYLE, a non-fiction health and wellness book full of great tips for getting and staying well as you read your heart out this summer.

Thanks for hanging out with me:-)

Peace and blessings,


Indian Tacos and an Edible Porch Garden

Welcome Hoppers!

I’m happy to participate in the 7th Annual Authors in Bloom Blog Hop. So glad you stopped by.

Dianne Venetta_AIB Logo_2015

Make sure to leave a comment (with your email address to be used only for notification of winnings) so we’ll know you visited every site and you can enter to win the grand prize of an e-reader (winner’s choice up to a $200 value). Second place winner will receive a $25 gift card to the eBook retailer of their choice. Winners will be posted on both the first (Dianne Venetta) and the last (Bloomin Thyme) websites listed on the links below by April 29th. See the main event page for full details.

Powered by Linky Tools

Click here for links to all participating blogs, but before you go…


If you leave a comment you’ll also be automatically entered to win my basket of goodies, including a leatherbound journal, a book of puzzles, adult coloring book, assorted teas and honey, and a handy carrying bag with swag items. Also included is a signed copy of my holiday  novella, Sami’s Christmas Wish List.
 (Applicable to US Residents only).
Let me know you signed up for my newsletter, followed me on Twitter, or “liked” me on Facebook to be awarded extra entries! Winner will be posted here by April 29th.

 The hop runs April 18-April 27th.
Feel free to browse around while your here. Sign up for my newsletter to receive an e-copy of SOUL REDEMPTION, the novella prequel to the Chronicles of Lily Carmichael Trilogy. You can also download the eBook SAVAGE CINDERELLA, the award-winning novel that began the Savage Cinderella Novella Series. Get it FREE for a limited time.

On to the yummy part of this post where I share a favorite recipe with you.

While writing my latest novella, Sacred Ground, book three in the Savage Cinderella Series, I was researching Native American foods that might be found at an Indian Pow-wow. I came across this recipe for Indian Tacos and had to try it. Slightly labor intensive but totally delish!!! I didn’t want to post the recipe here because I want to give Hilah’s Cooking Blog all the credit, but I’ll share the link here and you can judge for yourself.


As for gardening tips, I haven’t had a huge garden in some time. I still grow perennials and have some lovely hanging baskets every year, but my herbs and vegetables are strictly grown in pots on my front porch these days. So much easier on my lower back, and with only two of us, it doesn’t make sense to have big garden beds anymore.

It varies from year to year, but typically I grow lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, string beans, snap peas, peppers, and various cooking herbs like rosemary, thyme, oregano and dill. I’ve done root veggies like beets, carrots, onions, potatoes, and garlic in deep pots, but with a short growing season, I need to start them early in the house or let them winter over. Nothing is off limits though! Be creative and have fun.

The herbs are easiest. I buy already established plants from a local greenhouse the third week in May. We almost always have a late frost up here in the hills so I wait until Memorial day to plant anything. The dill goes in it’s own pot in a sunny far corner of the deck since it grows tall and bushy and is very aromatic. You can plant violets or nasturtium with it for a beautiful splash of color against the green. Both flowers make tasty and attractive garnishes to salads and dress up any summer dinner plate. Oregano, thyme, and basil go in one pot just outside my kitchen door since I use these most often for cooking. And rosemary gets her own hanging pot , so I can bring her in and use the fresh herb for soups, stews, and seasoning meats through the winter.

My husband built me a bean trellis with deer fencing and 2x4s attached to my deck–which also works for small pickling cucumbers. I plant the seeds in long window boxes just below the trellis and they grow, grow, grow until the trellis is bursting with beans and cukes. It’s good to stagger your planting every few weeks so you keep them going all summer. Weed out older plants as they start to grow leggy or the beans get tough.

The same applies to lettuces and spinach. To have a long, productive season, you need to plant new crops about every two to three weeks. I line up three foot window boxes along my deck railing and across a long garden bench and grow all my leafy veggies in a row so I can pick and choose my salad mix, clipping off a few of each variety. Don’t forget to grow several different types of greens, including kale, swiss chard, and romaine for a healthy selection.

All of this is providing your porch gets at least 6-8 hours of sun. I have to put my big tomato pots on wheels so I can move them easily since an oak tree is beginning to cast shade on our front deck and tomatoes need lots of sun. I plant two or three varieties of tomatoes, including cherry and grape tomatoes in one container and beefsteak, roma, or another meaty variety in another. Just a few plants produce more than enough tomatoes for us right into late summer, early fall.

The best porch gardening tip ever though, is automated irrigation! My husband has automated the watering by setting up a food grade PVC tubing drip irrigation system (similar to what they have in greenhouses and grocery stores) set on a programmable timer for ten minutes twice a day. This is especially helpful when going on vacation. All I have to do is plant, fertilize with compost, and watch my garden grow until everything is ready to pick!

I hope you’ve found this helpful and that it inspires you to try to grow your own front porch garden.

Please share in the comments section if you have any other container gardening tips!

Peace and blessings,


Fill your Easter basket with books!

Happy Spring, friends!

It’s been a slow transition from winter to spring here in the hills. After three big snow storms (the fourth amounted to nothing), we still have a foot-and-a-half of snow on the ground and a pile up to the windowsill on the North side of the house where the sun never shines. We’ll probably be digging out in May!

I did, however, see these little gems poking their heads out from the winter debris. These snow drops are making me lust for that first warm sunshiny day when I can clean out their beds again and maybe even plant something new. Hopefully, my back cooperates! It’s been a tough winter for my body, despite the fact my husband hasn’t let me lift a shovel, and heaving forty-pound bags of pellets is now a thing of the past. I’m sure it’s nothing time–and a few warm sunny days–won’t improve.

One thing the cold weather and a recalcitrant back has given me is an opportunity to stay in and write. My standing desk has made an amazing improvement in my productivity and I’m well on my way to writing the next book in the Savage Cinderella series. I’ve already entitled it–BROKEN ANGEL. (Shh! You guys are the first to know:-)) I’m on chapter four and as soon as I get to the halfway point of the story (at about chapter ten), I’ll start working on the cover! This is the most fun and exciting part of writing for me. I love building a story out of nothing but a grain of an idea, feeling the life inside the characters blossom, and seeing them form and grow on the page. Once I have the bones of the story in my mind, I quickly begin to visualize it unfolding like a movie. You know that feeling when you’re in a theatre, eating popcorn and escaping into a great show? It’s that excitement, wonder, and love of the unfolding mystery that keeps me writing. There is a joy and a mania to it, but also a peace in the creative process and satisfaction in the completion of the work. It’s hard to explain, but it is most certainly a driving force. In these inner movies and mysterious motivations, I don’t always know what comes next, but the characters in my unconscious brain seem to know where they need to go.

It’s up to me, the writer, to follow…and trust.


If you’re new to my site, check out the Savage Cinderella Series here. The original award-winning novel, Savage Cinderella, is now available for FREE!

Of course, I have something for everyone. Maybe you enjoy a contemporary YA romance, like Heaven is for Heroes, On Thin Ice, or Pieces of Love. Do you prefer a little sci-fi/fantasy/dystopian? Check out the Chronicles of Lily Carmichael Trilogy.


Love YA novels in general and want to try some new authors?

Enter to win 15 books from award-winning and bestselling authors.

Only one more day to enter!


Coming soon, I’ll be participating in the 7th Annual Authors in Bloom Blog Hop from April 18th-April 27th. Each author along the hop will share a recipe, a gardening tip, or both! There will also be prizes and opportunities to win at every site! Grand prize is an e-reader of winner’s choice (up to $200 value) and a second prize of a $25 gift card to the eBook retailer of winner’s choice.

Stay tuned for more details…

Oh, and before I forget, OVRCOME YOUR SEDENTARY LIFESTYLE (A Practical Guide to Improving Health, Fitness, and Well-being for Desk Dwellers and Couch Potatoes) is now on sale in e-book for only $2.99!


Peace and blessings,



Happier New Year!

Hey friends and readers,

Those of you who know me probably understand why 2017 was a particularly difficult year. It’s been a time of hard changes and even harder realities for many of us. I don’t mind saying I’m glad to see this past year behind us and am looking forward to a  brighter, more productive 2018. It took me much longer than expected to write SACRED GROUND, book three in the Savage Cinderella Novella Series, but it’s a bit longer (38k or about 150 pages) and I wanted to take the time needed to get it right. I hope I did the story justice.

I’m happy and proud to announce that SACRED GROUND is due out February 22, 2018 and is

now available for pre-order!

In book three of the Savage Cinderella Novella Series, kidnap survivor turned rookie cop, Brinn Hathaway, joins her friends, Justin, Cody, and Dani on a quest to search for Justin’s brother-believed dead after having disappeared from his Marine unit in Afghanistan. When he’s reportedly seen at a protest in Wyoming, where Native American land protectors are at odds with a mining company determined to destroy what could be a sacred burial ground, it’s up to Brinn to find out the truth and help stop them.

But life is complicated when Brinn and the two men vying for her affections (Justin and Cody) are forced to face off with the corrupt mine developer and his hired guns-one of whom could very well be the man they’re searching for. Can they take on the powerful industrial complex to save sacred tribal lands from destruction? And can they convince Justin’s brother to turn himself in before he has a chance to run again? What will be the cost to this band of brothers? And who will Brinn choose to be by her side through it all?

Pre-order it today at AMAZON
Only $2.99
(10% of proceeds go to Native Hope, an organization dedicated to educating, empowering, and improving the lives of Native American youth)

This was one of those books that spoke to me. Inspired by the water protectors protesting the Dakota Access pipelines, I wanted to shine a light on the plight of Native Americans in today’s world. Not only have sacred lands, National Monuments, and water sources been threatened by corporate greed and America’s addiction to fossil fuels, the rampant human trafficking, unemployment, suicide, and drug problems plaguing this vulnerable population are a heartbreaking stain on our country and it’s legacy. This should not be a divisive political issue, but instead, is a humanitarian issue that concerns all of us. Unfortunately, without compassionate, common sense legislation to aid and protect this marginalized and forgotten people–people who have loved, honored, and respected the land for generations before white settlers came–I hold out little hope for their survival. Unless WE, the people of this great nation, stand together with our native brothers and sisters to help them preserve the land, the water, and the planet for generations to come, we will all pay the price. It’s up to each and every one of us. Together, we can make a difference.

Please donate to Native Hope if you can!

So, that’s my big news for now. If you haven’t read the other books in the series, check them out and get started now with the original SAVAGE CINDERELLA, the story of Brinn Hathaway, a kidnapped girl who survives in the North Georgia High Country until a young nature photographer finds her and convinces her to come back to the world–only to put her back in the sights of her kidnapper.

A young adult/new adult romantic suspense, this novel won the prestigious HOLT Medallion award and has over 3.6 million reads on Wattpad.









Don’t forget to read books one and two in the series!

FINDING HOPE and LOST BOYS are available for $1.99 each at your favorite online retailers.


As Brinn Hathaway recovers from her own ordeal of being kidnapped, left for dead, and surviving for years in the wild, can she overcome her trauma and use her experience to help the FBI find a missing child?








Justin’s friend Cody has disappeared, and Brinn is determined to find out why. Despite an escalation in the tensions between them over Cody and Brinn’s complicated friendship, Justin agrees to join her on a journey that leads to the mysterious jungles of Colombia, where whispers of human trafficking bring them face to face with an old enemy.




I’ll have more pre-order links for SACRED GROUND at other retailers soon, so no worries if you read on an i-Pad, Nook, or Kobo e-reader. And if you’d like an advanced reader copy (ARC) in exchange for an honest review, let me know in the comments below!

As always, your reviews and feedback are greatly appreciated.

Peace and blessings,


Holiday shopping!

Happy Holidays, readers!

I’m home enjoying the first snowfall of the season, watching it come down outside my window, the white fluffy flakes clinging to bush and branch, accumulating on the lawn like a thick plush carpet. The house is on its way to being decked out for the season and the sound of holiday music echoes through every room as my husband strings garland up the stair banister.

Like most people, I’m doing much of my Christmas shopping online this year. As much as I want to support small and local businesses, it has become infinitely easier to find exactly what I need at the click of a keystroke. That’s why I decided to make it super easy for readers to get exactly what they want from me this year. If you are planning to purchase a Kindle, Nook, or tablet for your teen, why not pre-load it with great books? Click on any of my buy links and you can easily purchase or “gift” a book to someone on your holiday gift list.

Why not start with a heartwarming holiday story?
Only $1.99

SAMI’S CHRISTMAS WISH LIST brings together the characters from the award-winning novels, HEAVEN IS FOR HEROES, ON THIN ICE, and PIECES OF LOVE.

In this sweet 28,000 word (140 pages) YA holiday novella, all seventeen-year-old Samantha Owens wants for Christmas is a working car, a miraculous improvement in her grades, and a boyfriend who sees her as more than just a friend with benefits. But with a single mom who’s struggling to make ends meet, presents seem unlikely, and with legal troubles looming over her head, she’ll be lucky not to be spending the holiday in juvenile detention. When she’s forced to do community service at the local church, she finds that wishing her life was different won’t make it so, and that avoiding her past may be what’s standing in the way of her future.

It doesn’t help that Travis Vance, a freshman in college and intern for a teen drug and alcohol treatment program, is hanging around and pushing her buttons at every turn. Or that her friends are all going through their own dramas—most of which seem far worse than her own. As she struggles to find peace with a choice she’s made, can Sami bring everyone together to save the church in time for Christmas? Or is hoping for a happy ending one more wish that will never be granted?

Amazon     Amazon UK     Barnes & Noble     Apple I-Books     Kobo

Also available in print at Amazon or  Create Space  

 Or get the Girls of Thompson Lake Box Set including, HEAVEN is for HEROES, ON THIN ICE, and PIECES OF LOVE, plus the  novella that brings all these characters together, SAMI’s CHRISTMAS WISH LIST,
all for the low price of  $3.99!
 Amazon     Amazon UK     Barnes & Noble     Apple I-Books     Kobo
If sci-fi/fantasy/adventure is more to you or your teen’s reading pleasure, check out the Chronicles of Lily Carmichael Trilogy. The first book in the series, WANING MOON, is available for FREE download at your favorite online book retailers.
Get the whole set for only $6.98!


Amazon     Amazon UK     Barnes & Noble     Apple I-Books     Kobo
For more action/adventure and suspense, follow Brinn Hathaway and friends into the perils of human trafficking in the SAVAGE CINDERELLA Novella Series. And watch for the third novella, SACRED GROUND, coming in early 2018!

Until then, have a wonderful holiday season, and happy reading!

Peace and blessings,



Harvest Time!

Fall in the Berkshires is always a celebration of beauty and life. The nights are cool, the leaves are beginning their miraculous transformation, and the apples are ready to pick! This is my favorite time of year for hiking, biking, kayaking, and all things prepping for the long winter ahead. It’s also the time of year I prepare for our annual harvest fair.

Granville, our sister town, is an idyllic community that sits at the foothills of the Berkshires and offers a glimpse of country living at its best. Every year on Columbus Day weekend, crafters and artisans from all over New England gather to display their wares at the GRANVILLE HARVEST FAIR. It’s an opportunity for families to get out in the fresh fall air and enjoy a day or two (or three) perusing booths that include all kinds of homemade crafts such as jewelry, wood works, pottery, quilts, soaps and herbal cleaning products, chocolate, baked, goods, and yes…books!

This will be my sixth year in attendance and I’m always excited to see familiar faces come back year after year, many of whom are looking for the next book in one of my series. This year, I’m happy to have a couple of new novellas to offer. Lost Boys, the second book in the Savage Cinderella Novella Series and Sami’s Christmas Wish List, a Girls of Thompson Lake novella will be front and center. I’ll be hanging out next to the library. I hope to see some familiar faces and meet some new readers this year!

I know some of you have been waiting for the third novella in the Savage Cinderella series, SACRED GROUND. I appreciate your patience. I’m working on it diligently, but I want to get it right, so I’m taking the time I need to do my research. The book involves Brinn and her friends heading to Wyoming to find someone they thought had been lost, only to find themselves embroiled in a battle between the local Native American people and a mining company determined to exploit what could be a sacred burial site. This topic touches on current events, Native American culture, and some complex issues that I want to address with clarity and compassion. I’m hoping to release the finished product by year’s end but in the meantime, I’d love to share the cover and a short excerpt with you!

Here’s a first chapter excerpt:

I blasted off eight rounds in a row, each “pop” causing me to tighten my grip. When I counted the last shot, I lowered the weapon, released the empty magazine into one hand, and followed the target as it sped toward me on the rail.

Cody pulled the square sheet down and studied the orange and black bulls-eye. “At least you landed a couple of shots on the paper this time.” A sandy brow lifted, along with one corner of his mouth, revealing slightly crooked canines and accentuating a faded scar on his upper lip.

“A lot of good that will do me when I have to take my firearms test again next month.” I had completed my training at the police academy and passed every test—except for marksmanship—and despite daily practice, my shooting was still what my friend and new roomie, Detective Daniella Hernandez, would call, pathetic.

“You just have to get past the flinch factor, said Cody, loading a new target and sending it zinging twenty-five feet down the indoor range—still an entry-level distance.

It didn’t matter how many times I fired the 9 mm M&P Shield, the anticipation of the loud discharge made my hand falter. I set up for another try, loading a fresh magazine and chambering a round. I readied my stance and released the safety, but before I took aim, Cody came around behind me. At a few inches over six-feet, he towered above me. For all I’d been through, I should have been threatened by his proximity. Instead, an odd and confusing attraction kept me rooted.

He took control of the gun—laying his hands over mine around the grip—and raised it toward the new target. With my back pressed against his large, solid body, and his arms essentially locking me into place in front of him, my pulse sped to a ferocious flutter in my ear. The scent of him, a mix of spearmint gum and some earthy soap that sparked a flood of heat to my cheeks, made it impossible to concentrate on anything.

“I’m not sure this is helping,” I said, sounding breathy.

“Relax, Brinn” he said, a smile in his voice. “Loosen your grip. Create only enough push-and-pull tension between your hands to steady your aim.”

I complied, but the distraction of his proximity and his warm breath in my ear had the hair on the nape of my neck standing at full attention. What Justin would think if he could see us sent a renewed shard of guilt through me. The two men had enough challenges to their friendship without me being confused and being caught between them. It was bad enough I’d moved out of Justin’s apartment and into a flat with Dani, but the amount of time Cody and I were spending together was a source of tension that was only complicating my already ridiculously complicated life.


What do you think? Team Cody…? Or team Justin? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments section below. One randomly chosen commenter will be awarded a prize pack of three of my books…readers choice!

Yes, Brinn continues to struggle with her recovery, the complexity of relationships, and feelings that seem to have a life of their own–all new territory for a girl who survived unspeakable abuse and grew up in isolation in the wilderness. As complicated as things get, she has found a purpose in life that she is determined to pursue–that of law enforcement and helping others who are being victimized. Follow Brinn’s journey as she continues to heal, grow, and thrive, despite the daily challenges of fighting crime and learning to follow her heart.

If you haven’t read the original SAVAGE CINDERELLA, it’s now available for only .99 cents!




Eighteen-year-old Brinn Hathaway has survived on her own in the Northwest High Country of Georgia since she was left for dead in a shallow grave by the man who kidnapped her as a child. When a young nature photographer, Justin Spencer, catches the wild girl on film and the two form a tentative friendship, Brinn must decide if coming out of hiding is worth the hope—and the danger—that may await her.

Amazon      Amazon UK     B&N     I-Books     Kobo

Print books available on Amazon and Create Space




FINDING HOPE (Book one in the Savage Cinderella Novella Series)


FINDING HOPE, Book One of the Savage Cinderella Novella series, picks up a year after Brianna Hathaway’s return from the wild. As she and Justin struggle to work through her recovery, Brinn must come to terms with who she is and discover her place in this strange new world. When Cody asks for her help in solving a kidnapping case for the FBI, it brings her worst nightmares to the surface. But will it be what she needs to finally put it all behind her and move on? Or will it lead her down a path into a dangerous world? A child is missing…and time is running out.

Amazon     Amazon UK     B&N     I-Books     Kobo

Print copies available at Amazon and Create Space





LOST BOYS (Book two in the Savage Cinderella Novella Series)


Justin’s friend Cody has disappeared, and Brinn is determined to find out why. Despite an escalation in the tensions between them over Cody and Brinn’s complicated friendship, Justin agrees to join her on a journey that leads to the mysterious jungles of Colombia, where whispers of human trafficking bring them face to face with an old enemy.

Brinn and Justin join forces with friends to do the unthinkable—enter the dangerous jungle on a rescue mission, sparking a battle for the lives of nine young boys and a fight for their own survival. Brinn’s haunted past rears its ugly head as she is forced to once again take on a brutal killer. But in risking her life to save her friend, will she lose the one man who has sacrificed everything for her?

Amazon     Amazon UK     B&N     I-Books     Kobo

Print copies available at Amazon or Create Space



That’s it for this month! I hope you all get out and enjoy some of this lovely weather while it lasts. As we’ve seen in recent weeks with the hurricanes and extreme weather events across the world, each day that we can enjoy warm days, cool nights and the safety of a sound home, we should appreciate the gift. Let’s not forget to send love and prayers (and any financial assistance we can give) to our neighbors in need.

Peace and blessings,




Enjoy Summer Reading with a .99 cent Beach Reads Sale


Hello fellow readers!

This summer is flying by and I’ve been reading…and writing up a storm. Which means my garden looks like an overgrown wildflower meadow, but I love it. The day lilies and flox are in full color and I’m seeing signs of my black-eyed suzies, daisies, and bee balm starting to unfold. There’s nothing I enjoy more than sitting on my rock up on the hill overlooking the garden and reading a good book…except sitting on my front porch in a comfy chair doing the same, lol.

If you’re looking for a good book to hang out with on your porch or take to the beach, why not load up your e-reader with these amazing .99 cent books, available this week only from my Glass Slipper Sisters. Ten books for under $10!

As for me, I’ll be spending the next month finishing up the first draft of SACRED GROUND, the third installment in the Savage Cinderella Novella Series. I still don’t have a cover, but as soon as I do, you’ll be the first to see it!

If you haven’t started the series yet, now is a great time to pick up the original SAVAGE CINDERELLA for only .99 cents as part of the Glass Slipper Sisters Sale noted above.

Amazon *  B&N *   iBookStore * Kobo

Print Edition Available at Amazon and Create Space

FINDING HOPE and LOST BOYS (books one and two in the novella series) are also available in e-book format for only $1.99!

Amazon * B&N * i-BookStore * Kobo

Print Edition available at Amazon or Create Space

AmazonB&N * I-BookStore * Kobo

Print Edition NOW Available at Create Space!

Well that’s all for now. Enjoy your summer and don’t forget to take time to smell the roses, dig in the dirt, and read a few good books!

Peace and Blessings,


Summer Beach Read Season is here!

Welcome Readers!

With the rhododendrons  in full bloom and warmer weather here to stay, I feel like I’m coming to life again. It’s been a long winter season and I can’t wait to hit the beach. I’ll be headed up to Maine in a few weeks (with kayak in tow) for a sisterly visit and a bit of respite from the daily to-do’s. No doubt I’ll be in need of a good book to take with me.

Leave a recommendation in the comment section below and you’ll be in the running to win a signed print copy of LOST BOYS, the second novella in the SAVAGE CINDERELLA Novella Series before it’s available to purchase!

(A name will be randomly drawn by Contest ends June 15th at midnight.)

Good luck!

LOST BOYS (A Savage Cinderella Novella-#2)

Justin’s friend Cody has disappeared, and Brinn is determined to find out why. Despite an escalation in the tensions between them over Cody and Brinn’s complicated friendship, Justin agrees to join her on a journey that leads to the mysterious jungles of Colombia, where whispers of human trafficking bring them face to face with an old enemy.

Brinn and Justin join forces with friends to do the unthinkable—enter the dangerous jungle on a rescue mission, sparking a battle for the lives of nine young boys and a fight for their own survival. Brinn’s haunted past rears its ugly head as she is forced to once again take on a brutal killer. But in risking her life to save her friend, will she lose the one man who has sacrificed everything for her?

Follow Brinn, Justin, Cody, and a cast of new characters through a series of novellas (30-40k word short novels). Each story will bring a new adventure, another crime to solve, and more danger for Brinn and company as they delve into the world of human trafficking and beyond.



And speaking of sisters, we have several new additions to our Glass Slipper Sisters group and a brand new website. The Glass Slipper Sisters welcomes Marie Higgins, MJ Summers, Roxanne Snopek, Allie Burton, Jean Joachim, Jina Bacarr, Nicole Zoltack, Caroline Lee, Kelly McClymer, and Sela Carsen! The GSS came about in 2015 when Stacy Juba (our fearless leader), and several other authors got together and created the Cinderella Treasure Trove, a compilation of excerpts from our Cinderella and rags-to-riches-themed stories. We added some fun party ideas and recipes and continue to offer it for free so readers can get a taste of what we write and maybe find some new favorite authors. Since our inception we’ve had Facebook parties and giveaways and hundreds of avid readers have joined our FB group. If you love fairy tales, romance, and Disney fun, feel free to pop over and make a request to join our group. Recently, we’ve started Magical Mondays, where each of us takes over the group for a day, hangs out to interact with readers, and offers a giveaway or two. Tiara Thursdays is for members to share fun memes, games, or anything fairy tale/Disney related. And then there’s Fairy Tale Fridays, when our authors can post about their books, new releases, and what’s coming in our fairy tale world! If you’d like to find out more about us and our books pop over and browse our new website and feel free to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Another fun group of fabulous authors, led by my pal Jessica Ruddick, are joining together for a YA Beach Reads Giveaway from

June 5-12th

With 21 winners and $500 worth of giveaways, this will be the kick-off event of the summer season!

Win signed copies of your favorite YA novels and find some awesome (new-to-you) authors.

On the personal writing front, I’m still working on the third installment of the SAVAGE CINDERELLA Novella Series, entitled SACRED GROUND. I’m hoping to have the release date by summer’s end. In the meantime, LOST BOYS will soon be available in print and I’ll be revealing the cover for SACRED GROUND late in June.

And if you’re still feeling a little sluggish after the long winter, or need a quick but thorough guide to self-care, pick up a copy of


E-book now available for a limited time for only $3.99!

So, that should get you through June with plenty of options for reading enjoyment. To meet me in person, check out my EVENTS/Calendar page for upcoming appearances and signings. Please feel free to connect with me on social media by clicking on the links in the right hand sidebar, and don’t forget to leave a book recommendation in the comment section below to enter the giveaway for a signed print copy of LOST BOYS.

Thanks so much for spending time with me and the characters of my heart.

Each and every one of you is a blessing!
