Happy Thanksgiving!

I can’t believe it’s Thanksgiving already! This year is flying by, as they all seem to be these days. I’m so grateful for so many things, I don’t even know where to begin. Good health is usually at the top of a long list of blessings for which I’m thankful. For…

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Pre-order Time!

Hey Readers, Welcome once again to my crazy writer’s life. November is another busy month–but no worries, I’ve got a vacation coming up right after Thanksgiving. In the meantime, November is shaping up to a whole lot of fun and excitement. First off, I’m pleased to offer a special pre-order price…

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Happy New Year!

Hello friends and readers! I can’t believe we’re coming into another new year. It seems like 2015 was on a distant horizon not long ago. I remember thinking as a teenager how futuristic that date sounded and half expected cars to be flying by now. Although I’m a little disappointed…

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A Few of My Favorite Things

Happy Holidays, Dear Readers! I’m one of those people who LOVES this time of year. The Christmas carols, spending time with family and friends, the spirit of giving, and of course…the pie! I have so much to be grateful for, and I especially want to thank you, my readers, for…

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Healing Waters available for Pre-order!

Hey gang, Fall is inherently a time for change. My darling hubby has been working hard to get new , siding, and windows, and a new metal roof onto the back section of the house. We think this part of the house was added on in 1898. Time for an upgrade,…

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COVER REVEAL and a .99 cent Sale!

As the beautiful fall foliage passes, I’m reminded of nature’s incredible palette of colors. The warm earth tones and vibrant yellow, orange and red, make a splash against the blue of the autumn sky over the Berkshire hills. The tapestry of color makes my ride to work a pleasant time…

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