Wow! Thank you all so much for your participation in the Addictive Reads Summer Reads Event and blog hop. It was great fun interacting with readers this week and hearing how excited people are about heading off for vacations and picking up some great books for their summer reading list. Here are the winners of the Addictive Reads giveaways:
$50 Amazon Gift Card or PayPal Cash: Melanie L.
$15 Amazon Gift Card: Gena R.
$10 Amazon Gift Cards: Dana A., Tina B., Haley M., Shelly H., and Andrea M.
And the WINNER of the PIECES of LOVE beach bag and swag pack was…drum roll, please… Brandi D. Thanks, Brandi, for visiting my site and sharing your favorite vacation destination!
Don’t worry if you didn’t win. Summer has just begun and there’s lots more fun to be had.
Award winners, WANING MOON and WESTERN DESERT, books one and two in the Chronicles of Lily Carmichael trilogy will both be on sale for .99 cents all month long!
Also, to celebrate Independence Day, I’ll be hanging out on July 4th with my pal Kristan Higgins over at the Jaunty Quills, chatting about vacations and travel…and of course, books and romance. I hope you’ll stop by and say hi. I’ll be gifting a signed copy of one of my books to one lucky reader. Readers choice!
Although I’m off to sunny California in mid July, my buddy and hometown sister, the fabulous Katy Lee has offered to book-sit for me at the Enfield Town Celebration in Enfield, CT. on July 12-13. Signed copies of all my books will be available for purchase, along with some freebie swag giveaways. If you’re in the area, visit the Local Author’s booth and pick up some paperbacks for the beach. I don’t have an e-reader that is outdoor reading friendly, so for me, the real thing is the only way to go when I head to the coast for a day of fun in the sun.
So that’s it for now. I’ll be back later this month with more news on places I’ll be hanging out this summer. I hope you’re enjoying some R&R.
Here’s the view from my kayak last night. Heaven!

Sunset over Big Pond, Otis, MA.