Now Available!

Hey Gang,

I’m back with more info on LIBERTY’S PROMISE, book five in the SAVAGE CINDERELLA series.

I’m not sure if there is anything more exciting (or nerve-wracking) in a writer’s life than the release of a new book. The culmination of months of blood, sweat, and tears, the constant wrestling with the “doubt-monster”, and managing the million details that go into launching a book all makes me wonder why in heaven’s name we continue to do it. But the truth is, writers write because we have character’s in our heads and stories to tell that won’t leave us alone, and we have a driving need to share them with readers, hoping our stories will bring some measure of joy, comfort, entertainment, or even healing to others. It has been that driving force and the positive comments from readers that have kept me writing through thirteen books!

Writing is somewhat of a lonely pursuit and requires a focus inward that sometimes leaves us feeling as if we live in cave (thus the term “writer’s cave”). But once a book is out there, it is incumbent upon us introverted writers to reconnect with our readers, reach out to other writers, and engage once more with the world at large. That’s why I’m going to open my blog up to guest authors. As much as I want to pay it forward for all the help and support I’ve had from others, I also want to take the opportunity to introduce readers to other great books and the authors who write them! Watch in the coming weeks for a post from my friend Keta Diablo (isn’t that an awesome name for a romance writer!?) who recently released a new novel, I SPY A DEMON.

(And who happens to be hosting me at her blog this week!)

Keta’s books may be a little steamy for my younger readers but for those who like their romance on the hot side, she’s definitely worth a try! Learn more about Keta later this month or visit her website.

In the mean time, I promised you links where you can find LIBERTY’S PROMISE, now available for purchase at all your favorite e-book retailers. It’s also available in PRINT!


Liberty’s Promise, the fifth novella in the SAVAGE CINDERELLA series continues the journey of kidnap survivor turned rookie cop, Brinn Hathaway. Rebounding from her previous near-death adventure, Brinn travels to New York City where her co-worker and current roomie, Detective Daniella Hernandez, is attending to a family crisis. When Dani’s old flame—a superior officer—threatens to destroy her career and her family’s legacy, Brinn vows to do whatever necessary to protect her friend.

Investigating a sergeant in the NYPD for his personal and criminal misconduct might be overstepping jurisdictional boundaries and not exactly a good career move. But bringing to justice the man who had once tormented her friend and righting an old wrong is worth the risk for Brinn. When it becomes clear the serial stalker won’t be an easy target, and that he’s willing to go to any lengths to escape his dark deeds, Brinn discovers that taking down one of New York’s finest could cost both women more than just their jobs.


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Only $2.99

Print copies available at Amazon


And don’t forget, if you haven’t signed up for my newsletter, you have until December 15th at midnight to do so to be entered into the drawing for a “social justice” goody bag I’m giving away to one randomly chosen winner. It includes a signed copy of any one of my books and lots of cool items that showcase some of the social justice issues covered in the Savage Cinderella series, such as environmental protection, Native American rights, and Wounded Warriors to name a few.

I’m so grateful to each and every one of you for sticking with me, urging me to write the next book, and leaving reviews on Goodreads, Amazon, B&N or other retailers. Honest reviews are always welcome!

Peace and blessings,


I love hearing from readers!