Gifts of Love Valentine’s Blog Hop

Hello Dear Readers,

February is one of my favorite months. I like to think of it as the gateway to Spring, and a month of celebration. Not only is it the month of celebrating my birth, it’s also a time to focus on one of my favorite topics…LOVE!  Some might say that Valentine’s Day is one of those frivolous holidays meant only for sappy romantics, but for those of us who write…and read romance, Valentine’s Day is just one more excuse to bask in the glow of a pheromone-stimulating love story.

2015 Valentine Day Event BannerFrom February 13-15th, I’ll be sharing the season of love with my author friends from the Addictive Reads group. Stop by the Main Events Page of our site and enter to win some great prizes! In addition to a $50 dinner for two gift certificate, we have a prize pack of e-books and two $25 gift cards to award! You can also hop over to the individual author sites, pick up a few more prizes and get some ideas for that perfect Valentine’s gift. year for a walk on the beach. Nothing rejuvenates me more than a sunny day by the ocean.

What’s the best Valentine’s gift you’ve ever received?


  1. One of the best Valentine presents was a ticket to a Jimmy
    Buffet concert Awesome

  2. subscribed to newsletter and following blog. Best Valentine present was a weekend in the poconos

  3. The best gifts I’ve ever received are the ones from my son as he was growing up! They were usually just cards, but they were home-made and from the heart!

  4. Best Valentine’s gift was the year my hubby had our baby girl scribble on a card he’d made out of construction paper. Besides the scribble of her name, she colored it too. Still have it!

    books4me67 at ymail dot com

  5. I love the “Nothing is sexier to a man than a woman with a gun.” My hubby actually said to me not to long ago, “Put you in plaid flannel and a gun in your and man, that’s hot.” LOL So I got us a 1 hr groupon pkg at a local firing range. Now I just have to schedule us to go. 🙂

    #5 makes me laugh, too. Because it’s SO true!

  6. Valentines Best Gift is something from the heart, Not a pick up at a local corner store

  7. I signed up for your newsletter. Your name is new to me…looking forward to discovering your books.

  8. gift cards
    already signed up for newsletter

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  9. Roses were the best gift ever on Valentine’s Day.

  10. I got a box of only milk chocolate candy–I hate dark chocolate. Subscribed to Blog and already signed up for newsletter.

  11. Thanks for sharing the valentine gift ideas.

  12. Nice post, many of important things you discuss in this article

  13. I have had only 1 Ex Girlfriend ( 7 years relationship). But she never gave me any valentine’s day gift. So, the score is basically Zero 🙁

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