First, a huge THANKS to all who participated in the Authors in Bloom event. Winners were randomly chosen by and Rafflecopter. Since I had a few snafus with my website and leaving a comment was a bit of a challenge, I chose two winners to receive signed copies of my non-fiction holistic living, self-help guide, OVERCOME YOUR SEDENTARY LIFESTYLE. Congrats to Catherine and Michelle!
For those of you who didn’t win, I’ve decided to leave the e-book available at the sale price of $2.99 until April 30th!
On another note, I love to celebrate Earth Day! April 22 is not only a day to acknowledge the greatness and beauty of nature on this planet, it’s a day that all of us should recommit ourselves to taking care of this wondrous gift we call home. Below is a list of simple ways you can honor the planet and do your part in being a good steward. Please share these ideas with friends, family, and especially your children. It’s up to us to teach and empower the next generation to love and respect the Earth.
- Plant a tree. (Combat deforestation.)
- Create a butterfly and hummingbird garden. (Check this out to get started!)
- Promote a healthy bee habitat. (Thanks to the use of nasty chemical pesticides, bees are in crisis and populations are dwindling. major hive collapses are happening worldwide and without these busy little pollinators, food sources will be impossible to sustain. NO BEES…NO FOOD. It’s that simple. Civic groups such as AVAAS and many others are taking a stand and offer excellent ways that you can make a difference.)
- Use natural pest control and avoid use of chemical pesticides. (Use homemade pest control. Here are 10 easy to make organic pesticides.)
- Pick up litter whenever you see it. (Take a bag with you on your walk and pick up trash on the side of the road. It’s everywhere! STOP littering.)
- Recycle, upcycle, and conserve. (Reuse plastic bags and containers, and avoid buying bottled water by filling a BPH-free water bottle at home and carrying it with you at all times. Fix leaky faucets, take shorter showers, and reduce waste.)
- Compost. (Composting is easy and reduces household food waste while promoting healthy soil regeneration.)
- Visit a National Park. (National Parks are greatly underfunded these days and depend on echo-friendly tourists to help support and care for the wild and protected places. Donate, visit, and keep our National Parks alive for generations to come.)
- Support Earth friendly legislation. (Pay attention to legislation regarding climate change and be proactive in contacting legislators to share your concerns. If enough voices are heard, change is inevitable.)
- Reduce your carbon footprint. (Hike, bike, ride share, turn off lights and computers when not in use, and generally reduce your consumption of fossil fuels.)
There you have it! Enjoy your Earth Day and find some creative ways to show you care.
In other news, I’m super excited about revamping some of my book covers this Spring. Stay tuned for cover reveals, teasers from my upcoming Savage Cinderella Novella, FINDING HOPE, and a fresh look for WESTERN DESERT, Book 2 in the Chronicles of Lily Carmichael Trilogy.
Here’s where I’ll be in the coming weeks. Watch for the following appearances:
On Thursday, May 5th from 7-9 p.m. I’ll be at the Enfield Public Library, 104 Middle Rd. Enfield, CT. speaking about the writer’s life and overcoming a sedentary lifestyle.
June 8th at 5:00 p.m. on Boston’s Public Access television, I’ll be a guest on Topic Time with Harrison Blake Young. More details to come!
In the meantime, I’m busy working on my novella series and hope to have that ready early this summer. Subscribe to this blog or sign up for my newsletter for more information on release dates.
Thanks so much for all your support!
Peace and blessings,